
Terms & Conditions

  1. Introduction. These terms and conditions set out the general Melbourne WiFi (“Melbourne WiFi”) business terms (boiler-plate terms) and do not commit the client or Melbourne WiFi to any payments, deliverables, consideration, schedules, timelines or any specific business undertaking. All such items will be covered in any ensuing specific work contracts that can and/or will be executed in due course.

  2. T&Cs Stated Here for Convenience. Upon signing of specific work contracts, these conditions will automatically form part of that overall agreement. This is for the convenience of both the client and Melbourne WiFi. As such, clients are assumed to accept these genera business T&Cs.

  3. Melbourne WiFi to Retain onboarding Information. Melbourne WiFi shall retain onboarding information for abovementioned convenience and Melbourne WiFi marketing purposes only. All relevant privacy statutes and laws will be strictly observed. No onboarding information at any time will be provided to third parties for marketing purposes without the express permission of the client.

  4. Bookings & cancellations. All bookings may be cancelled 24 hours or more prior to scheduled work free of charge, but all cancellations within 24 hours attract a one-hour fee.

  5. Pre-paid time-blocks.

    1. Onsite – Time blocks for onsite services will be generally be expended by the client in hour blocks, with a minimum one hour call out charge. Melbourne WiFi will work with the client to carefully estimate the number of hours required and update and agree onsite if these hours should be varied. Listed rates assume clients are within 25km radius of Melbourne WiFi head office, located at 5 Greeves Street, St Kilda, VIC. Callouts further away may require an agreed, nominal charge for additional travel time.

    2. Remote – Prepaid time blocks for remote services will be expended by the client in half-hour blocks for each single, discrete interaction, be they each half an hour in duration or part thereof. There are no rollovers between half-hour blocks, regardless of how much time is remaining after parts thereof are expended in each discrete instance.

  6. Limitations of Liability.

    1. Melbourne WiFi Insurance – Melbourne WiFi maintains sole trader general business and professional indemnity insurances. More information is available immediately upon request by clients and prospective clients.

    2. Client Actions – Melbourne WiFi assumes clients will act in accordance with any Client Requirements set out in work contracts. Actions by the client that prevent or distort the successful execution of contracts are outside the responsibility of Melbourne WiFi. Further, Melbourne WiFi shall act in the interests of Melbourne WiFi if such actions arise.

    3. Third Party Actions – Melbourne WiFi assumes third parties will act in accordance with any Third-Party Requirements set out in work contracts. Actions by third parties that prevent or distort the successful execution of contracts are outside the responsibility of Melbourne WiFi. Further, Melbourne WiFi shall act in the interests of Melbourne WiFi if such actions arise.

    4. Sign Off (“Completion of Work”; “COW”) – All Melbourne WiFi liabilities, responsibilities and accountability, except those at law, end upon the client’s signing of a Completion of Work.

  7. Intellectual property. All project intellectual property is assumed be client intellectual property or third-party intellectual property. Melbourne WiFi intellectual property will be assumed to be inaccessible by client and/or third party. Clients and third parties should take care not to interfere with Melbourne WiFi or each other’s intellectual property.


  1. Asset Information provided by the client is true and correct at the time it is provided. Assets will then be updated in the Melbourne WiFi Service Desk (Asset Management) when one of the following occurs:

    1. A new device is purchased

    2. A device swap/warranty/repair is actioned by Melbourne WiFi

    3. An authorised contact notifies Melbourne WiFi of an ownership change

  2. SLA’s provided are for single requests, bulk requests may take additional time to complete, the customer will be advised of an ETA for completion on a case by case basis for bulk requests

  3. Services are provided with Melbourne WiFi standard business hours Mon – Fri, 8am- 5pm excluding Victorian public holidays

  4. Devices that are deemed in warranty by Melbourne WiFi will be sent for repair, if the vendor deems the device out of warranty and the repair is declined a quote fee may be applied to the customer account

  5. Implementation to be completed during business hours unless otherwise indicated

  6. The implementation services must be completely scoped prior to commencement

  7. Troubleshooting and resolution of any issues discovered that are not a direct result of the implementation will incur additional time & materials cost

  8. All costs are excluding GST unless specified

  9. Services are based on information provided are subject (but not limited) to the accumulation of all exclusions, assumptions, dependencies and risks identified to date

  10. Requests that incur a cost must either be either authorised on a case by case basis by an authorised contact or be identified as pre-authorised by an authorised contact

  11. Ad-hoc requests for authorisation should be responded to in a timely manner for Melbourne WiFi to ensure quick resolution for users

  12. Requests for courier deliveries of devices, peripherals or accessories must be received by Melbourne WiFi before 12:00pm on the day for same day or interstate next day delivery

  13. Ad hoc external costs such as shipping, or courier are invoiced at cost plus 15%

  14. Stock availability from vendors may impact dispatch times of new devices

  15. Bug fixes and Updates for device software are made available by the device manufacturer

  16. For third party application support the below must be provided to Melbourne WiFi

    1. Training where the application is not part of our standard suite of supported applications

    2. All applicable application settings

    3. An Administrator account with enough privileges to the server or console if required

    4. Escalation contacts


  1. All newly purchased devices must be covered by a NDS (next day service) warranty

  2. Any existing hardware not covered by warranty must be replaced upon terminal failure.

  3. There must always be a ‘spare’ device of each type (PC’s, Phones, Tablets, etc.) – for redundancy (in some cases more than one may be required)

  4. Devices that are not purchased through Melbourne WiFi will not be recorded in the Asset Management system unless full device information is provided to Melbourne WiFi by an Authorised Contact

  5. Assets that are reallocated by the customer without informing Melbourne WiFi will not be updated in the Asset Management system

  6. External vendors will adhere to their own SLA’s and are not in the control of Melbourne WiFi, including but not limited to courier delivery times and requests sent to Telstra for action.

  7. Applications installed by customers/users are not supported unless agreed and identified in the contract

  8. Device Hardware or Software issues where there are no publicly available resolutions

  9. Peripherals – Printers, copiers, scanners and alike, will receive basic software and driver fault finding only. We will advise the customer on a case-by-case basis, recommending the best solution at that time. If extra help is required in this space, Melbourne WiFi will quote on extra costs.

  10. Software not approved by Melbourne WiFi

  11. Any personal devices (not registered with IT Services Contract, will incur our standard fees).

  12. LastPass is recommended for shared passwords between staff with agreement and supply of services directly with LastPass. https://www.lastpass.com/business

  13. Configuration of Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and Legal Hold

Customer Dependencies

The Services will be subject to any Customer Obligations set out in the Proposal. In addition, the Customer agrees:

  1. to promptly respond to requests for information, input or approval;

  2. to provide Melbourne WiFi with access to such of the Customer’s employees and contractors, infrastructure topology diagrams and equipment as shall be necessary for timely completion of the Services;

  3. to make available (always) appropriately trained primary contacts who are responsible for (i) the provision of a complete description of any Equipment malfunction, (ii) logging and reporting of error information, (iii) running of operational readiness tasks and (iv) any other reasonable assistance in connection with the Services as may be requested by Melbourne WiFi;

  4. to ensure that the Customer’s employees operating the Equipment have always been appropriately trained (); to use the Equipment and the Services only as contemplated by the Agreement and/or as defined in the Equipment instructions provided by the Manufacturer;

  5. to promptly advise Melbourne WiFi of any proposed changes or additions to the Equipment, Services, or the Premises; not to carry out, or cause to be carried out by third persons, modifications or adjustments to the Equipment without reasonable prior written notice to Melbourne WiFi

  6. to provide any other assistance reasonably requested by Melbourne WiFi to enable Melbourne WiFi to provide the Services;

  7. to provide administrator-level access to their Domain (and/or) credentials for all equipment and devices.

Terms of Pre-Paid Service

Terms of Pre-paid time-blocks:

  1. Onsite Support – Time blocks for onsite services will be generally be expended by the client in hour (60 minute) blocks, with a minimum one hour call out charge. Melbourne WiFi will work with the client to carefully estimate the number of hours required and update and agree onsite if these hours should be varied. Listed rates assume clients are within 25km radius of Melbourne WiFi head office, located at Greeves Street, St Kilda, VIC. Callouts further away may require an agreed, nominal charge for additional travel time.

  2. Remote Support – Prepaid time blocks for remote services will be expended by the client in quarter-hour (15 minute) blocks for each single, discrete interaction, be they each half an hour in duration or part thereof. There are no rollovers between half-hour blocks, regardless of how much time is remaining after parts thereof are expended in each discrete instance.

  3. Pre-Paid blocks can be used for Tier 1 & 2 support items only. These items are detailed below (Definition of IT Support Tiers).

  4. If a support request has been recognised as a Tier 3 support item or a specialised service, the customer will not be charged any further – or at least until further pricing agreement or quote has been approved.

  5. Pre-Paid services are to be paid for in full before any works are to be commenced.

Example of how Pre-paid blocks are billed:

On/Off Site


Time Recorded


Time Charged


Time Credit


Time Remaining


Purchased 16hrs Pre-Paid




Setup Wi-Fi access point





Assisted Jan with Word Doc





Setup new mapped network location





Installed new printer and configured scanner





Setup VPN gateway and configured 10 PCs




Purchased 8hrs Pre-Paid






Setup DNS entries for website





Repaired VoIP switch disconnection and tested





Setup new user to domain





Added firewall entry





Definition of IT Support Tiers

Tier – I Support

This is the basic level of customer support. The customer representative is a generalist with a broad understanding of the product and may not understand the inner workings. In this case, they would identify a customer’s needs and provide tips on how to manage a problem.

Typically, these solutions are in a FAQ or a knowledge base. Employees at this tier use a knowledge base in a majority of customer calls. Tier-1 support usually provides a 24-hour service and is outsourced to a 3rd party. When a tier-1 support employee is not able to resolve the issue, they classify the problem and pass it on to the appropriate tier-2 employee. At this point, an issue tracking ticket is issued to the customer.

Tier – II Support

Tier-II support involves technical knowledge and is staffed by technicians who have troubleshooting capabilities beyond the tier-1 employees. The tier-II help desk employees are staffed by either the company involved or outsourced to a 3rd party. The technicians tend to have a specialisation and will determine which specialisation best matches the customer’s needs before helping him. If their technical specialisation is one that can help the customer, the tech then determines whether this problem is a new issue or an existing one. Advanced diagnostic tools and data analysis may be done at this point.

If the issue is an existing one, the tier-II specialist then finds out if there is a solution or a workaround in the database. The customer is then told how to fix their problem. However, in some cases there might be no solution as it’s an open bug. In that case, the tier-II desk adds an entry to the bug list. Then, depending on the number of instances where customers are experiencing the same problem, the help desk could ask the developers to fix the bug.

If a customer experiences a new issue, further analysis has to be done to see if it can be dealt with. The help desk employee would then explain to the customer how to fix their issue. However, if the tech cannot fix the problem at this tier, the problem goes to tier-III. At this tier the problem is assigned to a developer at the company responsible for the product.

Tier – III Support

Tier-III requires a person who has specialised skills over and above the work the techs do in tier II. This support is usually provided by the specialists involved in product development. They deal with complex issues. To solve the problem, they will collect as much data as possible from the employees at tiers 1 and 2.

In my previous job as a developer at Microsoft in the Windows OS team, I used to get the harder bugs in the operating system passed on from support personnel around the world and from the crash dumps you report when an application stops working. Sometimes fixing the problem involves a deeper analysis of the operating system. Fixing the problem may require a Windows update.

Tier – IV Support

This tier only exists in a multiple vendor case. For instance, if you’re an app developer and the issue involves fixing the problem on an OS mobile level provided by another company, you simply request support from the other company.

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